Monday, February 20, 2012

Of Pain

I wish I could please you
With these little songs I write...
Letting you know about my love
The feeling you give me...
About our love, so beautiful
About you, so adorable
But alas, I fail
For you hate me writing...
Never did you bother to glance at them
You push them off like crap
But trust me my love, they aren't.
They are just pieces of my heart
All in front of you...
I see them all praising them,
The words I crafted for you...
And heavily does it hurt me...
For you care none of the same...
I know not the reason for this vintage
But certainly I hope one day it subsides...
So that one day you'll read them and
Know what you really mean to me...


  1. This is touching....How could he ignore such a beautiful words!
    I loved the way you expressed yourself

  2. @valli: thanq dea... neither do i have any idea about the reason...
